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Merck Product Information

Representative Product
Ed Mckernan Zocor, Hyzaar or Vasotec
Ed Mckernan Singulair, Fosamax, Pepcid
Barbara Lee Schimmel Cozaar, Zocor, Prinivil
Bill Sirvatka Singulair, Zocor
Jeff Vengley Fosamax, Singulair, Propecia

Merck Local News and Current Events

Please send me information on speaker programs in my area!


Ed McKernan

Email A Local Merck Drug Representative

Ed McKernarn
Barbara Lee Schimmel
Bill Sirvatka
Jeff Vengley

Ask our Lipid Doc a Question

  Dr Gregg Hopkins

Merck Health Care Information

Are we meeting your needs? Please let us know if there is anything more that we can do to provide you with quality service.

  Ed Mckernan